Wednesday 6 March 2013

Results !!!!!

So my 60 Day Personal fitness challenge is officially over.  Firstly I'd like to say a quick couple of thank you's. 1st and foremost I'd like to thank Gemma (Partner and mother of my gorgeous wee Boy).  She spends all day looking after our son and then when I come home she still encourages me to do my training. When I don't feel like it, she gets on my back and tells me to get my finger out.  She has helped so much with my diet and shopping for new food and different ideas on how to eat more clean.  Throughout the whole challenge she has been a massive support and the challenge would have been a lot harder without her. 2nd I'd like to thank Brian Milligan who is my trainer from BM Fitness in Troon.  Now, when I get something into my head I can become pretty obsessed and I'm sure to Brian I have been a complete pain in the arse with all my Text and Facebook messages outwith working hours.  He's been very patient with me and for that I am thankful.  He has also been the backbone behind my training and dieting.  Together, we came up with a manageable diet plan and from his classes I managed to devise some of my own 'mini workouts at home' and he has also sent me over some workouts to keep variation in my training.  His 'No Bullshit' approach to training and dieting is unrivalled in my eyes so take advantage of his welalth of knowledge like i have.  Last but by no means least, you guys, who have read my blog and helped motivate me through the full 60 days.  I'm going on like iv just won an Oscar but for me i have acheived 10 times more than my highest expectations.  Iv had over 3000 views on my blog since day one and to see that and hear all the positive comments it really has helped a lot so Thank You All!

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet.  I would hate for it to have come across in this way but in doing this blog and keeping my updates on Facebook it has been a pressure in the back of my head that 'I Can't Fail'!!  Also just want to say that if I can do this then so can anyone.  This challenge has cemented a new lifestyle for me.  I am eating clean all the time and loving it.  I'm also really enjoying my training and excited about, for the 1st time EVER, achieving my long term goal of getting my Bodyfat under 10% and trying to maintain that.  Its going to sound pretty vain, but every guy wants a 6 pack and im no exception.  It is within touching distance now!

So I'm going to spare you the pish talk and get onto the all important results. Below, I have added 3 picture. 2 before and after picture (1 with a slightly less 'I Want to Die' face) and my before and after measurements. The results speak for themselves.  Eat clean and train hard and I guarantee you will achieve your goals.  Also it's got to be said....Listen to your trainer!!!  I have listened to all of Brian's advice throughout this challenge and in doing so I have made healthy changes and dropped the 'Chest and Biceps' workouts in aid of a full body beasting. 

So that's pretty much it from me.  I won't be blogging any more but I will be continuing my personal challenge.  The 60 days ended yesterday but I am already onto my next challenge in trying to get my bodyfat under 10%.  My skinfold bodyfat was 13/14% and on the scales it was 16%.  I am going to go for the scales reading and track my bodyfat each week on that. Most of you will continue to see me litter your Facebook news feeds with how I'm getting on so you can keep updated that way!

Peace out people and thank you again!


Friday 22 February 2013

DAY 51

My 60 Day Challenge is nearly over. By 'over' i mean my current challenge is over. Without sounding like (As Big Gilbert would call it) a Homo, this is just the beginning. So far, i have managed to create my own diet and training plans. As previously stated, i have been training with Brian Milligan @ Bm Fitness. It is only fair that i give this guy as much praise as possible. Any time i have needed him for nutritional advice or for training techniques he has been there. His Varied and wide range of hardcore classes have kept me more than interested in continuing, and so far, acheiving more than i could ever have imagined. I can remember my 1st class with Brian as if it were yesterday. Turned up myself, not knowing anyone or what to expect. Everyone in the class was welcoming and Brian made me feel like part of the team straight away. Until that point i had never been to any 'Fitness Classes' so i was quite scared and optomistic at the same time. The 2 days after my 1st class were horrific. The pain i was in was unreal. At that point i never wanted to see the guy again. That being said, the next week i was back at the gym and enjoying it more as i knew people and was pushing harder. I would encourage anyone to go to his classes. Not only for the classes themselves but also for the knowledge they give you to train at home and make your own workouts. Classes are only £4 and with monthly challenges to get involved in there are really no excuses not to be shredding the fat........apart from a shite diet that is but once again, Brian can sort you out with all the info you need on this and with his new service he will even take you shopping and show you what to buy and what to avoid. Get in touch with him for more info on pricing etc. Don't get much better than that!

For the last 5 or 6 years ive been juggling between all of the popular diets. Ive maybe lost a stone or 2 but then once i go back to eating normal it seems to all 'Magically' appear again. Ok, not quite but you get the picture. This time ive lost weight but also shredded fat more than ever before. Ive never been as lean as i am now. Brian has written me out a 7 day diet plan and im going to stick to that for the last 7 days of my challenge and after. Its very similar to the diet ive been on but far more variation with each day being different. Going to have to go right out my comfort zone and eat crazy food like cold salmon and nuts! Haha! Obviously not going to see dramatic improvements with just 1 week but this diet is more for after my 60 day challenge ends and i go onto try and get my abs through. I think no matter what any guy tells you, we all want a rock hard set of shredded abs. Yes, its vain when you hear it said like that but who wouldnt want to walk down a beach on holiday and have a 6 pack shining in the sun instead of a bulging beer belly and love handles that you can use as a wind block when it starts to get cold.

Thankfully, i am now at point where im not really bothered about what i weigh. Iv not officially check my bodyfat with Brian since my challenge started but we will check all measurements on Tuesday 5th march.

BM Fitness Facebook Page is below.  None of yer Pish!  Get Involved!!/profile.php?id=201116096588267&__user=100000549035194

Monday 18 February 2013

DAY 46

Iv not posted in my blog for a few weeks now and the only reason I can think of is laziness. In saying that, iv been sticking to my clean eating and training hard too. The diet is getting easier and I'm now training because I want to and not because I have to.

With only 2 weeks of my challenge left I'm going to talk to Brian and see what we can do in the last 7/10 days to get a final shred before my challenge is over. I'm not going to stop when my challenge ends, if anything I'll be at a point where I can finally concentrate on get my abs through but it's still going to be a long journey.

Monday 4 February 2013

DAY 33

So iv not been posting on my blog every day. It's difficult to find time when iv got to fit my training in and spending time with the family.

On Friday, the BM Fitness 3000 February Burpee Challenge started. I did 400 on Friday, 241 on Saturday at thee hardest class I have ever been to in my life and then another 110 on Sunday morning in a very sore bootcamp session. Iv been training consistently for 30 days. Whether its cardio or weights resistance and up until now I have managed to avoid being in extreme pain. Iv been very sore, a lot of the time, but nothing compared to what I felt on Sunday. This was excruciating! 2 days of intense Burpees and my body throws me the middle finger and floors me. I was looking forward to my Sunday bootcamp but when I got there I just couldn't enjoy it because of the pain. My left hamstring was soooo tight. I managed to get through the class but it was a struggle and couldn't put 100% in. Thankfully today I am feeling better. I was going to have a rest day but I was nearly climbing the walls at the prospect of not getting any training in at all so I rattled out a beast of a weights workout just missing out straight leg Deadlifts and KB Swings as to minimise any possible hamstring damage. It was a gr8 session but weird at the same time. 90% of my at home kettlebells or weights workouts revolve around my legs. As Brian has taught me in the past (Work the biggest muscle groups to maximise the fat burn). Im not going to get massive legs but if i work them hard, they are gonna need a lot of fuel to repair, this resulting in maximum calorie burn even when I'm not in the gym! Since I started going to Brian's gym around 4/5 months ago my outlook on training was very limited. By that I mean, I would turn up to the gym, run on the treadmill for 10 mins then go and fire out a bicep and chest workout. Haha! For anyone that went to Brian's seminar on Weights Resistance Training you will now know that I was the guy that Brian was talking about. In fairness, no1 ever told me any different. I would never be advised on a workout plan or any nutritional advice so how was I meant to know? Well now, I don't leave the gym (my spare room) until I have nothing left. I mean walking out, head spinning, feeling the blood pumping through my veins covered in sweat from head to toe! I owe Brian a lot for educating my mind into training the hardest I ever have. I love interval training! You can't get bored, it's impossible!! 40 secs work at 150% with a short rest. Simple, yet hugely effective. I know I always say it, but if you haven't been to any if Brian's classes.....DO IT!! I am currently the lightest and most lean I have been since around 10 years ago when Gemma and I got together.

In the past I have tried all these 'Fool Proof' diets. Set myself a realistic goal and then after 3 or 4 weeks, loss a stone without training and before I know it, we are a month down the line and its back on again. Not this time!!! I feel my body has completely changed. The bit under my stomach (kinda belt line) is solid right round my waist. My shoulders feel solid all round and my back is tight. My man boobs have totally gone. It feels so weird!! My arms are also looking far more toned. Legs feel solid and my head only has one chin! BONUS! I us2 look in the mirror and think, iv got to do something about this and never would. It got so bad that whenever Gemma would touch my stomach I'd go crazy because I was so embarrassed about it. If I had a scalpel, I now feel like I could cut the fat from my stomach and sides and BOOM!!!! Beach body!!!! Hahaha! Not quite but we are getting there!!! Sorry for the huge blog post! That's what it's for though!!

Kettlebells tomorrow! Bring it!!!!!

Friday 1 February 2013

DAY 30

Today is the half way point of my 60 day challenge. I'm happy with my progress so far and finding each day easier. 15 lbs in total!

I think I am addicted to training though. I can't seem to stop. I want to train all the time. The 3000 February Burpee challenge started today and I managed to fire out 400 of the bad boys.

A lot of people noticing iv lost weight but I need to get my body fat checked again. All in all things are good!

Bring on the next 30 days!!!!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

DAY 27

Short and sweet tonight! I'm playing at a wedding band showcase so not got time.

Diet today was easy. Finding keeping under my 1600 calories easy and with putting my carbs up just that small amount I can feel a difference in my energy levels.

Tonight's training was very short but still hard with burpees and push ups done using the pyramid style workout. 10 burpees/10 push ups - 9 burpees/9 push ups. So on and so on! Going to do that again when I get home to get me to 110 of each.

Today's diet below.....

Monday 28 January 2013

DAY 26

Today has been great! Diet has been pretty easy as iv put my carbs up to be 40/40 with my protein. Still a very lean diet but needing the extra energy for the extra training iv been doing. Tonight's training with my mate Ince started with a 1.2 mile run from my house to KG5 football park. We then fired out 2 sets of

Push Ups
Jump Squats
Bear Crawls
Crab Crawls
Inchworms (Found these online)
Burpees into Chin up
Power Jacks
Tricep Dips
Hill Climbs
Pull Ups

Then we ran the 1.2 miles back home. Now shaking like a shitting dog! The 1st run was right into the wind as well so pretty tough.

Currently sitting with my boy on my knee sleeping, just about to go get dinner. Well and truly back ON IT!!!!

Today's diet below.....