Monday 28 January 2013

DAY 26

Today has been great! Diet has been pretty easy as iv put my carbs up to be 40/40 with my protein. Still a very lean diet but needing the extra energy for the extra training iv been doing. Tonight's training with my mate Ince started with a 1.2 mile run from my house to KG5 football park. We then fired out 2 sets of

Push Ups
Jump Squats
Bear Crawls
Crab Crawls
Inchworms (Found these online)
Burpees into Chin up
Power Jacks
Tricep Dips
Hill Climbs
Pull Ups

Then we ran the 1.2 miles back home. Now shaking like a shitting dog! The 1st run was right into the wind as well so pretty tough.

Currently sitting with my boy on my knee sleeping, just about to go get dinner. Well and truly back ON IT!!!!

Today's diet below.....

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