Thursday 3 January 2013


After a very pleasant xmas and new year i was more than ready to get stuck in about this challenge.  Its a challenge i have set myself but im also getting nutrition advice and all my training techniques from Brian Milligan @ BM Fitness in Troon.  This is the gym that i will be training at through out my challenge along with several at home workouts designed by Brian.  Im not gonna go on to much, just want to say how im feeling, exactly what i have eaten and how i have trained.

I started off the day by doing the dreaded weigh in.  After my last 60 day challenge which i took part in through BM Fitness, i lost 2 stone.  Couldnt have been happier with those results and managed to get from a 38" Waist to a 34".  This challenge feels different.  I am planning every meal down to the last gram of carbs.  I will be tracking this using the iphone app MyFitnessPal.  Ill be training at BM Fitness and at home like a freak to try and acheive the maximum i can from this challenge.  So here are the all important figured.

Starting Weight       -       215lbs
Starting Bodyfat      -       24.%
Upper Arm              -       38cm
Forearm                   -       32cm
Waist                       -       103cm
Hip                          -       109cm
Thigh                      -        65cm
Calf                         -        43cm

Its now 10pm and i feel great.  Arrived home from a 45min high intensity circuits class @ BM Fitness.  I put everything i had into it and plan on doing that with every training session.  I feel like iv accomplished more today with regards to knowing where i am with my diet than i ever have in any diet iv done before.  Below is a screen dump of what i have eaten today.  Future posts will be far shorter than this but im going to try my best to put at least my diet and training on each day.
Until tomorrow...............

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