Sunday 6 January 2013


We are at the end of Day 4. Diet going well, training going well and i recon I'm back in 'The Zone'. It sounds stupid but there is a head space that you need to be in to follow a diet like this. Well I need to be in a certain place anyway. For years my diet has always revolved around carbs, and 9/10 they would be bad carbs. I won't lie, it's hard staying away from the white pasta and bread especially when it has been the focal point of my diet for many years. I'm going to try something new with my diet this week. At work, i usually have my chicken breast with carrot and broccoli and for dinner I would have lean mince with brown rice but this week I am going to swap the 2 meals around. Purely so that I am getting the full effect of the slow release carbs in the rice and at night lowering my carb intake as much as possible. Below is a copy of today's diet. No protein shake but plenty of steak including steak for breakfast. Beats a roll and bacon any day!

Training for today was a weights workout that iv made from sessions with Brian at BM Fitness. I love doing the weights workouts purely because I get the full body burn including working my biceps which is my favourite muscle group to train. Iv put a copy of that workout below as well.

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