Sunday 20 January 2013

DAY 18

FAIL!!! That is the only word to sum up how I feel today! I recon that the damage I did last night and today will amount to 3 days hard training and hard dieting. Not only is this annoying for obvious reasons, I feel like shit. Got the worst hang over EVER!!! I felt better after survival of the fittest last year. The night was a good laugh but it's not worth feeling like this. I knew I was gonna end up really drunk as I never go out anymore and nearly never drink. I recon to get back on track, I'm going to need to train twice a day this week just to break even. 1 cardio session and maybe a weights resistance workout. I wasn't drinking pints but the vodkas went down far too quickly and far too easily.

Once I shake this hangover off I'll get up and back on it tomorrow. I until then, I'm going back to bed!!!

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