Wednesday 9 January 2013


Today I learnt that everything on the planet has carbs. If I was to take a bite out of one of my kettlebells, there would probably be carbs attached! (Not quite but i'm sure some people can relate to what i mean). This is extremely frustrating for me! In saying this, I may just need to tweak my daily diet to allow me to have certain things at certain times. For example, my breakfast takes nearly 40g of carbs then you add milk and it goes to 50g. That is nearly half of my daily allowance. Tomorrow I'm going to take an hour and try find a lower carb option. ****So I asked Brian about this issue and he suggests an egg white omelette. Brilliant!**** Yesterday I was doing a bit of mucking about and found that swapping my mince (which I love) for a packet of John West Tuna Fillet for lunch, which has Sweet Thai seasoning, I drop 10g of fat from that 1 meal. It's a no brained really! Tonight iv kinda struggled with the diet, only because I had no carbs to play with. Felt like I needed something sweet but as I had no carbs left, I had to settle for 3 boiled eggs with soft light cheese and some cold chicken. Seemed to do the trick. It's a total re education of food I'm going through. Sometimes I find food that I love and wonder why it's taken me so long to find it, then other times I want to go crazy because it can be so restricting. All in all, I'm in a good place and looking forward to getting my claws into week 2.

So it's the night of my 7th day and tomorrow morning I have my 1st weigh in. I'm really looking forward to it but at the same time, I'm nervous that I'm not happy with the results. Iv put everything iv got into this. Its taken extreme dedication and a barrell load of will power but as iv kept to my under 1600 calories and iv trained everyday I'll be guaranteed to see some results!!!! Right??? If you read this, you'll find out tomorrow! Today's diet below!

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