Wednesday 16 January 2013

DAY 14

2 weeks polished off and not one cheat meal. Not one day of not giving my training and dieting 110%. Couldn't have done it without Gemma for helping with all my food, putting up with my moods and giving me pelters if I slack when I'm training. Also, Brian for the knowledge his classes and PT session have given me plus the countless messages iv sent him regarding my nutrition and training techniques. I'm going on like I'm at the end and I'm not even half way there. It has been hard, very hard but that is gonna make the reward at the end so much sweeter. Iv always said to myself 'You'll defo have a 6 pack ONE DAY'. Looking back on that now I just think, how the hell was that ever going to happen by just sitting on my hoop looking at magazines and thinking about my next dieting failure. It nearly pisses me off that iv waited so long to be this strict about my dieting. Get an actual grip! Haha!

As i mentioned before, I lost weight doing a 60 day challenge last year. When I look back at that now, I want to slap myself. Not for neglecting my training because I was doing that 6 days a week but by the way I was so flippant about my diet and nutrition. I was nearly in the mind set that if I was to loss 2lbs a week, that would do then that would free up my weekends to eat that little bit more freely! Not this time! I'll be raging if I'm not losing 4+ lbs per week.

Iv got my 2nd official weigh in tomorrow morning and I can't wait. I will obviously be nervous like last week but I know that I will be seeing decent numbers again. Tomorrows blog will have all the details and I'll say to Brian about checking my body fat again and see what he says.

Tonight's training was 10 mins on the rowing machine and a weights training session. Enjoyed it and was good to get a full body workout and a bit of cardio. Looking forward to circuits tomorrow night. I'm hoping for an absolute beasting and in pretty sure Brian will deliver a class to suit!! Today's diet below.

Until tomorrow......

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