Saturday 19 January 2013

DAY 17

I'm doing my blog just now because I'm going out tonight and won't get a chance later. Looking forward to my night out and I'm not gonna let the diet weigh on my mind too much. Won't be drinking pints all night either because that's just asking for trouble. I had a Turkish delight at lunch and felt guilty as soon as I'd eaten it but that's only because iv been so strict. Surely one night off won't kill me as long as I don't go mental!

Workout for today was 20/20/20 class at Bm Fitness. A mixture of circuit training, cardio and kettlebell work. Really enjoyed it and received an absolute beasting. Tomorrows blog will hopefully be fine and I won't be talking of any horror stories.

Today's diet below.......Clearly not including my drink!

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