Monday 21 January 2013

DAY 19

Today I have trained like a man possessed! 6am Circuits class at BM Fitness, 300 workout on my lunch break at work and a 3 mile run tonight which i ran in 27 mins. The fastest iv ever ran that distance but my mate Ince was there to pile on the pressure so I had to try my best and keep up with him. If I loss anything at all this week I'll be happy. My plans for tomorrow are to have a weights workout on my lunch break and then I'll be at Circuits at night.

So many nice comments over the weekend with regards to how I look and how far iv come so far. When you have people in your ear saying positive things it makes not eating the rest of those wine gums so much easier. I still enjoy the 60 Gay Challenge banter though. Starting to really feel positive changes in my body. The bottom of my stomach is the most toned its ever been and for once I can actually feel solid abs. Don't get me wrong, iv got a long way to go before they are through but I know I am chipping away at that 'now small' layer of fat that is covering them. It's just as much down to diet as it is training so I know what I need to be doing. With the only one night that worried me now past, I can concentrate on shredding this fat and being in the best shape of my life.

Today's diet below.....

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