Thursday 24 January 2013

DAY 22

Today I am going to refer back to the beginning of my challenge. I spoke of how with taking on this diet, one of the key factors I was going to have to adopt would be preparation. Well today, I didn't prepare enough and guess what, I made an arse of it. When you look at the picture below, you will see that I am well under my 1600 calorie day allowance. However, I am not counting calories, I am count HOW I take in my calories. Protein, Carbs, Fat!! You get the picture! Today I am well over my fat and well over my carbs. This isn't too bad but with regards to how I am tackling this diet, it's not good. I'm not going to be too hard on myself, I'm just going to knuckle down and stop just thinking 'aw it will be cool, I'll be fine'. I won't be fine!!!! Today I have been hungry ALL DAY!!! I have been taking a supplement called 'Chromium Picolinate' Basically it helps my body balance sugar levels when I'm on a strict diet. Well iv not taken them for 3 days running and did I notice that today! All I wanted was 10 mars bars, 3 lion bars, a crunchie and 2 boost! I managed to not have any but I can't feel like that again so I need to be strict.

Weight loss this week after my night out was poor. -1 lb! I have lost 1 stone in 3 weeks so that's good I suppose! Backing it tomorrow!

Today's diet below........

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